I’m Not Moving Fast Enough —
Bob Bemer has died of Cancer. We never talked and I never met him.
Jason Scott's Weblog
Bob Bemer has died of Cancer. We never talked and I never met him.
I am happy to announce that I have had talks accepted at both the upcoming HOPE and DEFCON conferences. If you wanted to meet me, this is the best time to do it. If you’ve already met me, this is a great way to do it again. CAPTURING DIGITAL HISTORY: A Quick and Dirty Guide […]
Like a lot of filmmakers, I have fallen into that “no new news” hole that leaves the waiting public in the dark while no progress or information comes leaking out. Unlike a lot of them, I will try to explain why that is. For the last 3 months, I have basically been doing the clip […]
It seemed like a good idea at the time. As I was collecting textfiles and other artifacts from the BBS era and beyond, I started to go after the logical next step: audio recordings and “art scene” creations. In the case of audio, it started with conferences from the 1990s and voicemail recordings, but it […]
I’ve been watching an awful lot of documentaries for the past couple of years, mostly out of a self-interest, but also because I tend to like them. I especially like documentaries where the subject matter is not so self-evident, like people who play lots of online games or The Fisher-Price Pixelvision Camera or people who […]