ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Archive Corps’ Category

The Manual Rescue: Take Two, And Please Help —

Short Story: An attempt to finish off this phase of the manuals (move from three storage units to a storage space down the road that costs 1/10th the price) is going to happen this Saturday, April 2nd, in Westminster, MD. I invite people to make the trip, and if reporters/students want to come to learn […]

The Manual Rescue: A High and Low Day —

Short form is that I thought I’d be out of all three storage units with the manuals and in the new space, but we only had four people show, so at best I drop to one storage unit and possibly two. Anybody able to help by coming to Westminster MD on the 29th would be […]

In Realtime: Some Initial Sorting and The Power of Two —

I drove down to Baltimore yesterday, sorted manuals for the day, and then drove back. First, I stopped by the Manuals Plus warehouse to see the current status of the manuals that we left behind. Answer: Gone. Thrown out. Recycled. So there you go – that’s what would have happened if we’d not organized and […]

A Little Bit of the Manuals —

Of the barrage of advice the world was prepared to give me from the vantage point of the Internet, one unique bit of advice came from a long-time collector and rescuer of older computer documentation and equipment. It’s definitely the all-around best advice, and was, in fact, truly unique: nobody else brought it up. The […]

In Realtime: Post-Mortem —

I’m just keeping the theme with the title. Future postings will be less obscure. This is a wrap up and list of conclusions after this grand experiment. And an announcement. But first things first. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WARNING TIME. In my inbox, going back over a year (and going back years in my mail […]