ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

A Spate of Crowd Surfing —

I believe I have found my rhythm with this website; I am probably going to post some speculation or concept every few weeks, expounding greatly upon it, and then move on to another subject entirely. I will likely continue to refrain from political discusions, because I consider them banal and irrelevant to what is specifically about, or at least what amount of help I can possibly assist the subject from this vantage point.

I also had a specific policy against comments, because I don’t really think it helps much to have “me-too” sorts of single sentence additions to a site; if people want to write about what I have to say, they will likely reference it elsewhere and link to me. That seems to make more sense and provides greater improvement of the disussions at hand.

Having said that, I think I will open the floor related to this entry, and in the future occasionally post such a story, with comments allowed, so that people can engage in a little bit of discussion, if it so inspires them. So have fun.

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  1. Firas says:


    (just kidding)

    if people want to write about what I have to say, they will likely reference it elsewhere and link to me.

    Well–will you enable trackback?

  2. tomwsmf says:

    I like the rhythm you have hit as well. You hit a thought, you offer an insite, you give an honest look into your life…

    The heck with trackbacks and blogrolls and all the other entrapments of the day. Just keep doing what you do.

    BTW, I picked the BT you put up and Im now hosting it on my server which is not only on the internet but part of a local community wireless network. It makes an amazingly rich piece of local content for any network to have.

    Thanks for the words, the sounds, and to the eventual film.


  3. nullsleep says:

    hey jason,

    since you opened up the comments for this one just thought i’d say, i’ve really been enjoying your posts here. i hope you keep it up! thanks for whats always a good read.
