Is This Thing On? —
OK, let’s bring this thing back. Talk to you soon.

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Jason Scott's Weblog
OK, let’s bring this thing back. Talk to you soon.
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RSS still works.
Hey I run the archiveteam subreddit? you want me to add you as a mod?
Hailing frequencies open, friend.
It is functioning nominally, kind sir!
Yay! RSS
onward and upward
Welcome back!
looks like it! 😀
Yup, it’s still “on” on my dashboard. I don’t have ADD or anything like that, and I regularly monitor my dashboard. Jason Scott’s “weblog of computer history, punditry and trivia” has long been of interest to me.
When you asked the question, it was August 13, 2020. I was interested and thought you were anticipating coming back on air – your previous post having been January 24, 2018.
But, sadlement, it’s now October 3, 2020 and still silence from Jason Scott on this channel.
Which prompts me to to wonder: Why ask the question in the first place? What was the purpose?
We may never know.
Communications need to have an objective – hopefully to communicate information.
If there aren’t any informative communications that need to be communicated, then don’t bother wasting your time (and our cognitive surplus) in filling the void with noise. Leave that to the MSM. 🙂
You still have a following here!
GEOCITIES FTW!!!!!!!!!!! welcome back my dude