ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Mail Call —

I get interesting packages in the mail.

These were all in separate auctions from one seller. I bought out most of his inventory. All are likely to go up on Some are probably pretty rare, others much less so. They range from shareware compilations to really crappy “game” compilations of demo/shareware versions of commercial games, to what appears to be a directory of CD-ROMs that were available in the mid-1990s, which will likely be a treasure of sorts.

Good thing I added 750gb of disk space to the machine last week, huh.

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  1. It’s no “Saved by the Bell” collection, but it’ll do.

  2. Anonymous says:

    >>really crappy “game” compilations

    But according to the CD cover, the compilation contains “only the best games,” who am I supposed to believe here?

  3. BSD says:

    Thank you. That is *very* nice.

  4. Darkstar says:

    Hey, I got some old shareware CDs here too, are you maybe interested in them (either in physical form or as ISOs over the net)? I can send you a list if you’re interested…
