ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Five Days a Week —

I’m knocking the weblog schedule back from six days a week to five, basically posting on weekdays, with the occasional huge honker on the weekend if something important comes up. I’m having trouble maintaining that jet-setting, here-and-there lifestyle of a computer historian and dependably posting entries on the day they were written. Twice I’ve had to go into bouts of back-dating entries and that’s wrong.. it’s just lying for no good reason. After all, it’ll eventually work out that I’m writing an entry describing an event that hadn’t happened by the time of the “date” of the posting and then you’ll kick me to the curb. So let’s depressurize the situation now.

A part of this is that I’m not interested in being a link/comment weblog, where all my weblog entry does is tell you to go somewhere else. I think that’s boring and can be done by a script. Instead, I insist on giving context, commentary and insight into an event and use links to bolster it. This has turned out to be hard work. Hooray for hard work!

So five days a week, and I will note in an entry the actual day it was written if I mess up. Historian’s Honor!

Note: This was written on Sunday, May 6th.

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